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Sunday, November 17, 2013

My S.Projectwason Euthanasia, andweatherwe should have therighttochoose death. (SpokenWordPoetry)(2011)

Kashif El-Amin
Senior Project
Ms. Jones
3 April 2011

Dark Clouds and Tears…
What is this feeling I’m feeling, Numbness no feeling inside of me-
Like how can I pull the plug, on the only woman I loved entirely-
See she never asked for much, but such a task she desires from me-
It’s what she wishes though, her deepest desire she-
Rather fade away relieved, than to be stressing beside of me-
This Disease is raping her, cancerous sodomy-
So she screams for a savior, she is in dire need, then she pleads for me to save her, what is this irony?-
And as I stare into her gorgeous eyes her eye are eyeing me-
I’m thinking to my self like how can I put a date on her expiration-
More than that what is my explanation, for when I am condemned-
For being a sinner or committing a sin- 
Then again this is not about ethics morals and religious beliefs- 
See this is about the right to choose her choice not me-
But she choose me, so given that, I must in fact endow her with her relief-
And hope that we can meet again someday maybe on a Sunday or a sunny day-
That way the weather is better, instead of this bitter weather right here-
100 percent chance of dark clouds and tears...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some vintage spoken word poetry...

Life as an Immortal, it tends to be anti-oral, cause I try to keep it cordial, with these mortals and there moral, so I Ignore’em and focus on the picture, that is bigger, like the native son, related to non, degraded by  some, why? cause I’m the difference, the difference is that commitment, and persistence are assistant, in making the product of my quotient unquestioned, any questions, which would only mean that its perfect, and if not perfect, its not worth the time and effort of an immortal being, being that I am of immortality, I’m flawless I have no fallacies, your fantasy is my reality, hmhmm sarcastically, I smirk but my intent was to do it casually, but I let my ego over shadow what was actually, just a moment of satisfaction, so no need for a reaction, this is just a mere fraction, a contraction, of how I feel in my mind, so um... pay me no mind, please Memoirs’ of an immortal being…
Kaashif Iman