Kashif El-Amin
Senior Project
Ms. Jones
3 April 2011
Dark Clouds and Tears…
What is this feeling I’m feeling, Numbness no feeling inside of me-
Like how can I pull the plug, on the only woman I loved entirely-
See she never asked for much, but such a task she desires from me-
It’s what she wishes though, her deepest desire she-
Rather fade away relieved, than to be stressing beside of me-
This Disease is raping her, cancerous sodomy-
So she screams for a savior, she is in dire need, then she pleads for me to save her, what is this irony?-
And as I stare into her gorgeous eyes her eye are eyeing me-
I’m thinking to my self like how can I put a date on her expiration-
More than that what is my explanation, for when I am condemned-
For being a sinner or committing a sin-
Then again this is not about ethics morals and religious beliefs-
See this is about the right to choose her choice not me-
But she choose me, so given that, I must in fact endow her with her relief-
And hope that we can meet again someday maybe on a Sunday or a sunny day-
That way the weather is better, instead of this bitter weather right here-
100 percent chance of dark clouds and tears...